Billy Barty as Guildor in 'Masters of The Universe' Designed by Julie Weiss


Costume consisting of patchwork floor-length cloak, trimmed with brocade and velvet at collar, ornamented throughout with gold bullion lace; turquoise and brocade under shirt with full-length sleeves; gold brocade full-length under tunic ornamented with gold bullion thread; gold chains and lockets; textured tights; beige and green custom-made suede boots; unfinished proto type boots; brown silk sash with brass adornments; black socks; multi-colored knit legging
and second outfit that was cut from film consisting of multi- colored textured velvet floor-length cloak trimmed with gold bullion lace; turquoise and green silk shirt; turquoise and green vest; oriental brocade sash and blue and lavender tights. The first costume has costumer's tag on belt which reads: [BELTS FOR GUILDOR]. The unfinished boots have costumer's tag which reads: [WCC- CANNON 1/5/87- MASTERS].





Costume Designer


Production Year

Time Period



“Billy Barty as Guildor in 'Masters of The Universe' Designed by Julie Weiss,” Film Costume Collection, accessed September 7, 2024,

Item Relations

Item: Images of Billy Barty in 'Masters of the Universe" Still images from film This Item