Prop Oil Painting as in 'The Thomas Crown Affair' Designed by


Prop oil painting seen in scene when Catherine Banning (Rene Russo) is investigation Thomas Crown's (Pierce Bronson) apartment and enters his bedroom and sees the oil painting hanging above his bead. The oil painting is a reproduction of the painting The Mirror of Venus (1875) by Sir Edward Burne-Jones and depicts Venus and nine of her maidens looking into a reflecting pool. The multi-color oil painting mounted on a wooden frame measures 118" (w) x 75 1/2" (h).


Costume Designer


Production Year

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“Prop Oil Painting as in 'The Thomas Crown Affair' Designed by,” Film Costume Collection, accessed April 19, 2024,

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Item: Images of Prop Painting in 'Thomas Crown Affair' Still images from film This Item